“Flying private”, cheaper and greener than you think.
Imagine skipping the queues, flying from an airfield near you – all at economy class prices and without any direct CO2 emissions.`

Unlocking zero emission travel for everyone.
Flying private is the most polluting mode of transport, our battery-electric aircraft flips that - making it greener than using an EV.
Travel on your terms and reclaim your quality time.
With the ELECTRON app, you can book your flight, departing from an airfield likely just 15 minutes away. From 2028 - simply hop onboard and go!

The E5: Game changing all electric performance.
Efficiency is vital in air mobility. Inspired by the Albatross, our E5 aircraft is engineered to be very aerodynamically efficient. With a 500 km operating range, it covers 50% of private flights, all while turning heads with its sleek design.

Driven to make the biggest impact.
Powered by renewable energy, our E5 aircraft turns “flying private” into the greenest mode of transport, reducing CO2 emissions by as much as 98%. And with 85% lower costs, this time-saving transport becomes accessible to a much larger part of society.

Pragmatism ensures market entry by 2028.
Switching to battery-electric power transforms private flying into the greenest mode of transportation reducing CO2 emissions by 98% — Lowering costs by up to 85% enables a much larger part of society to benefit from time efficient transport.
Pragmatism ensures market entry by 2028
By integrating existing technology into a new fixed-wing aircraft we can leverage the established EASA certification pathway, thereby de-risking overall project delivery. Key aerospace and automotive players see the potential and are actively working with us to make the E5 happen.

Real use cases unlocked with today’s batteries.
Our E5 aircraft taps into existing markets and has potential to unlock regional air mobility. Its full-size cargo door makes boarding easy and allows for quick loading of cargo on pallets or patients on stretchers. Compact and versatile, it's perfect for pilot training and ready to be the future “workhorse for regional air travel”.

Backed by customers worldwide.
With launch customers worldwide, our E5 aircraft is seen as the most realistic project. A leading logistics operator reserving capacity confirms strong demand for both our aircraft and service.

Integration essential for hyper-scaling.
Our in-house aircraft production allows us to scale rapidly, outpacing competitors struggling to buy aircraft. Moreover, a single aircraft type ensures consistent customer experience and operational advantages, unlike mixed fleets used by others.

Our design and engineering teams have been very busy behind the scenes. 🛠️ In late January, we launched to an impressed investor crowd the design update of our Electron 5. 🌟 The new design is based on cabin dimensions that were both validated with customers as well as two full-size cabin mock-ups. ✈️
Inspired by nature, Alexander Klatt, our Head of Design, said: “Taking inspiration from the Albatross, our Electron 5 features an aerodynamically efficient body, robust wings, and windows that mimic the bird's vigilant eyes.” 🌿🦅
Now the first images are in the public domain. Steve Varsano from The Jet Business showcased in his latest video our Electron 5 and described it as “fast, zero emission, and having a decent range”
The cat is well and truly out of the bag!
Our design and engineering teams have been very busy behind the scenes. Now the first images are in the public domain.
Steve Varsano from The Jet Business showcased our E5 and described it as “fast, zero emission and having a decent range”.